ISP Learning Technologies

We know that in today’s world, students’ experiences outside the classroom have changed the way students can and want to learn. A pillar of our Strategic Plan highlights our goal to develop a rich interactive learning environment for our students using technology to enhance learning.
ISP’s Technology teachers and our classroom teachers want to empower our students to be successful in their future – a future that will include technologies beyond our imagination today. Currently, ISP has one computer lab in each division with twenty-five networked computers in each lab. In addition, the Middle School has a Dell “Connected Classroom” that includes a networked laptop lab, interactive whiteboard and handheld polling devices. Four additional laptop labs are, or are soon to be, in use throughout the school. Portable and stationary interactive whiteboard technology is being implemented in many classrooms. We are also experimenting with digital book readers that one day, hopefully, will replace the heavy textbooks student carry altogether and talk about the use of tablets and other emerging technologies will be discussed at our Technology Committee meetings this year.
The ISP libraries are connected to the Internet. The school has subscriptions to web-based search engines that can access full text and image files from hundreds of magazines and newspapers. The Middle/High School Library has student work stations dedicated to student research and the upcoming renovation of this facility will include up-to-date technology.
All software programs used at ISP are licensed for legal use. Three full-time technology specialists support the hardware, software and network systems. We will soon be implementing a new campus-wide Wireless Network which will permit internet access and server resources from almost any area on campus.

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